Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Take a Peek at What Kids are Reading for FVR

What kind of reading material do my students read during FVR?  Check out some of the reading choices available to my upper elementary and middle school students below.  I rotate a large number of books that I check out from the Chicago Public Library based on student interests and requests.  Before we start for the year, I give an explicit lesson on choosing reading material that is a good fit, meaning they can comprehend a large majority of what's being read.  After the children read, we end each FVR session with a brief interpersonal activity in Spanish in which the students:

-Greet each other
-share what they read
-give a brief review/opinion of the material
-Sometimes they share what their favorite book is and why, too

(Our subscription to Mundo de Pepita's magazines!)

(A sample of our class CI novels)
(I Spy activities from I Spy books and Spanish Playground-Thanks Jennifer Brunk!)

("Brain Quest" like game from Spain)

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